Rodrigo Vena

(github) (e-mail)

Data Analyst at FreeCast

Scraper for YouTube and Vudu metadata
Node.js, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, JavaScript, Selenium, AWS S3
DescriptionA scraper that gathers metadata from YouTube and Vudu videos and stores them in AWS S3 buckets
Scraper for lead generation
Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Selenium, Appscript, OpenAI API, YelpAPI, Google Sheets API
DescriptionA scraper that collects contact information from broadband companies and content creators and stores them in Google Sheets
Perform data retrieval of FreeCast's databases in AWS
SQL, AWS Glue, Athena, Spark, AWS S3, Apache Spark
DescriptionPerformed complex and specific queries on large-scale data stored in FreeCast's cloud service, and analyzed the results using PySpark
Build and manage email system for massive cold outreach avoiding spam flags and complying with the CAN-SPAM Act
Node.js, Express, Nodemailer, Mailgun, CAN-SPAM Act
DescriptionA project that built and managed an email system for sending personalized and targeted cold emails to potential customers using Node.js, Express, Nodemailer and Mailgun, and followed the rules of the CAN-SPAM Act to avoid spamming and legal issues
Automated internal processes creating Google App Scripts programs and web apps
Google Apps Script, JavaScript, Google Workspace
DescriptionA project that automated various internal processes such as data entry, reporting, scheduling, and format validation using Google App Scripts programs and web apps that integrated with Google Workspace applications
Developed the website for FreeCast's sales TV channel TestDriveLIVE
Next.js, React, Express, MySQL, Git
Descriptiondeveloped a website for a sales channel that offered live video demonstrations of products

Researcher at APPLeSEEdLab, University of Central Florida

Corporate Entity Tracking Automation
Python, Neo4j, Cypher, Graph Algorithms
DescriptionBuilt a temporal graph calculus that generalizes and simplifies temporal graph management for corporate structures and reduces the complexity of Cypher queries


Recognition of Brand and Model in Product Titles
Python, RNN, TensorFlow, Flair, spaCy, NER, BI-LSTM-CRF
DescriptionA tool that recognizes the brand and model names in product titles using natural language processing and deep learning techniques
Laboratory Management System & VLE
PHP, Laravel, Apache, MariaDB, JavaScript, Angular, Git, JQuery
DescriptionA web application that manages laboratory activities and provides a virtual learning environment for students and teachers
Symbolic Execution C-like language
Java, ANTLR, Bash
Description A tool that performs symbolic execution on a subset of the C programming language and generates test cases
Shader, Iridescence of Oil on Water
Unity 15f1, DX11, Cg, C#
DescriptionA shader that simulates the iridescent effect of oil on water
Quantitative variables for the evaluation of political stability
DescriptionA tool that calculates quantitative variables for the evaluation of political stability using sample entropy and multidimensional recurrence quantification analysis
Shakespeare’s sonnet generator with LSTM model
Python, TensorFlow-GPU, Jupyter Notebook
DescriptionA tool that generates Shakespearean sonnets using a long short-term memory model trained on Shakespeare's sonnets